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Le Cornafion, the come back

Before I go for another ski tour, I need to expose you the last and not the least ski tour Arno and I made this past saturday in the Vercors.

He had a really warm day, the snow was at the rendez-vous of course and we enjoyed the fantastic view that we could not see the first time we went to the Cornafion.

Because “Le Cornafion” was the place where I did my first ski touring last year and because we had a bad experience there, we really wanted to try again but this time in better conditions.

So, here we went and….. were not disappointed.

In the woods

CIMG1561 CIMG1563

Going up…CIMG1565


From the top, really worth it!!!




2 commentaires:

Je pense que dans à peu près cinq ans à raison de trois cours de sport par semaine, je serais partante pour un de ces "ski tour"...

Anonyme a dit…
27 février 2009 à 12:35  

Mais non!! On se fait un petit challenge?!
je suis sure que si tu continue a ce rythme, l'hiver prochain tu viens chez nous dans notre futur chalet un week-end et on se fait une sortie ski de rando tous les trois!! Pari tenu?

panchotexane a dit…
1 mars 2009 à 12:11  

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